An Inside Look: Brunch Layer-by-Layer

The LulzBot team came together this fall for a delicious blend of fellowship and the sweet smell of success - literally! Thanks to an innovative twist on team building.
Amidst the buzz of excited chatter, our iconic LulzBot Green Rocktopus came to life in pancake form. A couple of PancakeBots ran non-stop, churning out special rocktopus-shaped staples for the event. "It was awesome seeing pancakes come to life from .gcode!" shared one team member. Gathering together for an annual meal is special at LulzBot. It is a chance for all departments to interact and partake in an feast that is as much about nourishing teamwork as it is about satisfying appetites.
That includes satisfying our appetite for innovation. This year's appreciation brunch added a new layer to our tradition by printing the pancakes. Scratching our itch for robotic automation, we embarked on the culinary challenge of printing LulzBot pancakes. Even as we enjoyed the fruits of our labor, we couldn't help but put on our "Maker Hats", speculating better tweaks to our recipe's 'layer heights' and 'printing temperatures' for an even better next print. These events celebrate our amazing team and reflect the thriving culture of continuous improvement and joy in innovation at LulzBot!