Congratulations to the 2014 Hackaday Prize winners, SatNOGS! The Hackaday Prize is a highly sought-after award for the best example of an open, connected device. Over 800 entries were submitted during six months, and the top prize is a trip to space on the carrier of the winner's choice!
The folks behind SatNOGs are a part of, a hackerspace in Athens, Greece. won a LulzBot 3D printer in 2013, which the SatNOGs team use regularly. We are proud to have had an influence on their SatNOGS project, which is an open source ground station and network, optimized for modularity, and built using affordable tools and resources. Essentially, SatNOGS provides a scalable and modular platform to communicate with satellites, accessible to anyone.
Check their website for more information about the project, as well as their software, hardware plans, and building instructions. Image by: