Hackerspaces Unboxing Their New LulzBot 3D Printers

We recently concluded our 2014 Hackerspace 3D Printer Giveaway, and in the weeks since we've seen some great unboxing videos and photos posted by several of the winners that we would like to share with you today.

If you have ever wondered how much setup or assembly is required to use a LulzBot 3D printer, these videos and photos should help show you!

So Make It

First up, So Make It, a non-profit Makerspace in Southampton, UK. Their website describes their space as, 'a friendly and inclusive place for people who like making things to sharing knowledge, experience and tools.' Their full unboxing video is embedded in this video below:

Click the following link if you want to see more photos of their 3D printer in action.


Next up, Hal9k! Hal9k is a hackerspace in Aalborg, Denmark. They uploaded dozens of pictures documenting their 3D printer unboxing and first few prints.

The Hal9k team also recorded a playlist of six videos showing the early stages of getting their LulzBot 3D printer up and running, which is available below:


Last but not least, our friends over at TOG hackerspace in Dublin, Ireland. They posted a fun stop motion video showing their unboxing. As you will see, their space continues to deal with a rubber duck infestation, but they were able to get their 3D printer running without any complications!

In related news, they just posted a nice update on how they recently explained how to use a 3D printer to print replacement parts for a laserjet printer, because the one in their space was broken! It's a neat project and their STL file is freely available, so you can learn from their work.