Adding the latest improvements to your trusty LulzBot Mini is easy with Open Source Hardware. Modify functionality and ease-of-use with items 3D printed straight from your own Mini! LulzBot 3D printers within the serial range of KT-PR0035(NA, EU, AU)-00050 through 07499 are compatible with the recommendations below. LulzBot Mini 3D printers with a serial number at or higher than KT-PR0035(NA, EU, AU)-07500 already include these improvements.
Modification #1 – USB Protector
Keep your USB port tight and safe against accidental damage with a simple upgrade. This 3D printed USB support brace surrounds the USB connector to minimize potential damage if the USB cable is ever pulled forcefully or at an angle. Just push the 3D printed protective piece into the open area around the USB port and you're good to go!
- Download the USB Port Brace 3D Model in STL Format.
- Load the model into Cura LulzBot Edition and 3D print with ABS filament.
- Remove the completed object and place into the open area around the USB port.
- Note: This USB Port Brace will need to be removed before opening the electronics enclosure.
- If you are an advanced user and want a more permanent USB Port Brace, use the updated 3D model and follow the instructions in this forum thread.
Modification #2 – Stepper Motor Damper
It's no secret the latest generation of LulzBot Mini 3D Printers run as quiet as a whisper. With the addition of the Stepper Motor Damper on the Y-Axis Stepper Motor, your LulzBot Mini can now churn through those heavy builds with significantly less noise.
- Purchase a Stepper Motor Damper.
- Use the installation instructions available at
- Complete a test print after installing the damper on the Y-Axis stepper motor to hear the difference.
Modification #3 – Beefy Extruder Idler
The extruder idler is integral to the Mini tool head's functionality. This part presses the filament against the hobbed bolt, driving the filament through the extruder down into the hot end. Upgrade to the new Beefy Idler, featured in the LulzBot Mini Tool Head v2.1, to increase your Mini's durability.
- Download the Beefy Idler 3D Model in STL file format.
- Load the model into Cura LulzBot Edition and 3D print with ABS filament at 60% infill.
- Follow the assembly and installation instructions in step 15 at